Our risk assessment to keep you safe and healthy during the Covid-19 Pandemic

From June 2020


All parties will be asked to inform Lower Barns if they are displaying any symptoms or have been in close proximity with any person displaying symptoms of Covid19 in the past 14 days. In the event of either of these, the couple will be asked to make arrangements to postpone their wedding ceremony before arriving at the venue. All ceremony and guest rooms, along with public communal areas will be cleaned before and after each wedding party in line with current government legislation and guidance.


Hand sanitiser will be available upon arrival for all persons visiting Lower Barns.

A distance of 2 meters will be kept between the owners of Lower Barns and visiting guests in adherence with current social distancing guidelines.

On arrival, the registrars will be met by one of the owners of Lower Barns and taken to the relevant ceremony room.

The Bride and Groom will be called separately to the Ceremony room in order to be interviewed by the registrars.

The ceremony room will be laid out so as to ensure a distance of 2 meters can be kept between all parties.



Access available through two doors. Wedding couple and two witnesses to enter through one door. Registrar to enter through second door. Table for wedding rings between Bride and grooms and registrar. Table for Register and signing of Book. Two meter distance between couple and registrar at all times.


Access available through two doors.

Wedding couple and two witnesses to enter through one door.

Table for wedding rings between Bride and grooms and registrar.

Registrar to enter through second door.

Table for Register and signing of Book.

Two meter distance between couple and registrar at all times.

Wed Shed – at this present time will not be suitable to have Ceremony within.


The wedding couple will have their own room and toilet facilities.

The registrars will have their own separate toilet facilities which will not be used by the wedding couple or other guests.


If the in-house photographer is acting as a witness he will not be moving around whilst the Ceremony is being conducted.

External photographers will not be allowed within the Ceremony room if the Registrar does not want them within the room. If allowed they will be at all times 2 meters away from anyone and not allowed to move around until after the Ceremony has been completed.

PPE and Hand Sanitiser

We ask all guests to provide their own PPE.

Hand sanitiser will be available within Ceremony and toilet areas